Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Finding Your Purpose

In the vastness of space, and as a tiny, little speck in this universe, there are times that we can't help but wonder and ask ourselves, ‘What is the meaning of life?’, ‘Why are we here?’, ‘What is my purpose?’. For some, maybe they have already found the answers. For a few, they  ignore the question and just go on with their lives. And perhaps, for most of us, we will just die wondering, yet we try our best to live a life, hopefully with no regrets.

When you were still a child, do you still remember that dream, the person you wanted to be, or the things that you really love to do? Perhaps, you wanted to be a doctor, or like playing the guitar. Maybe you were that kid who loves pets and adores them so much. That was you. The real you.

Before we were born, our soul already knows what it wants to be. It has already chosen a type of life that it wants to live. And the innate characteristics of the being that it wants to experience in this physical reality has been predetermined according to its own choosing. And as it enters into this realm, it is in that moment of physical birth that the untainted nature of the soul exists. However, as it grows, its innocence is slowly tainted by the society that nurtures it. A society that is driven by ego and drowned by its fears. Yet, the soul still chooses to be born in these conditions, for it finds joy in the experience of remembering. However, along the way, as we seek to remember, we become lost. We are so engrossed with what the society wants in us and from us, and that we have forgotten what our soul intended itself to be.

When you were a toddler, it was evident that you were fond of pencils and crayons, but your parents sent you to music school since they want you to be a master pianist. Perhaps, you had a soft heart for old people and taking care of them gives you immense joy but society does not pay you well for it and you were forced to choose another path to earn a living. 

This is where our struggle begins.

Day by day, we become unhappy, and unsatisfied. We always find ourselves complaining because we try to live a life that is dictated by the world outside. It is not a life that we want. But if joy is your aim, reach out to that child within. Hear its whisper. It is there. Realign yourself to your soul’s innermost desire by finding peace, for it is in this moment of stillness that your heart, mind, and soul become one. And when you are in that moment, you will be reawakened, and your purpose remembered. 

Live. Love. Laugh. Let Go.
