Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Greatest Gift to the Dying

“Allan! Dreamt of you last night. You were reading a passage in the Bible. I was listening and it feels like God has given me a message for you so that you may revive your faith in Him and that you may reunite with God once again.”

A close friend of mine called up and told me of her dream. It was interesting since she knew for a fact that I am not a religious Catholic. My belief in God is far different from what most people believe in.  I am not saying that my faith is better. I could even end up stoned to death if we are still in the middle ages. 

Her dream was surprising for me since I have never been in a situation wherein I voluntarily shared passages in the Bible in a group. Emphasis on the word ‘voluntarily’ since I was schooled in several Catholic institutions where Bible sharing was sometimes mandatory. She reiterated that the message was for me, yet I still can’t imagine myself doing it, much more in a specific church. I have great respect with the Bible for it contains wisdom from the greatest teachers who have lived. I just don’t share the same views with those who believed that their interpretation is the truth and the only truth. 

I told her that if God wanted to send me a message, definitely it will not come through other people’s dreams but directly to me. Trust me, I dream a lot.  The dream was intended for her, that is what I said. We talked for a while about it but when she hanged up, I was still a bit bothered because I know there was an important message for her. So I sent her a message on whatsapp:

“Regarding your dream, I think there was an important message that was needed to be relayed to you that night. I was there not because the message was for me. I was in your dream because of how you see me as a person. If in real life, you look at me as someone whom you can trust and get advice from, then I was in your dreams to give you that. If in real life you value the Words of God, then those Words we have shared during the Bible study has some significance in your life. If you can, try to remember those words, it will help you in whatever challenges or opportunities that you are encountering now. The Universe speaks to you in dreams through symbols that only you can understand. If you are afraid of snakes, then snakes will be a symbol of fear in your dreams. If I am not afraid of snakes but believe that they symbolize change, then that would be the meaning in my dream. Hence, take note of your feelings towards these objects, people, events, words in your dream, it will provide you the real meaning. Remember that the Universe is forever on our side, and will never go against us. So It will do whatever It can to aid you. It will speak to you in different forms, your dreams included.”

This was our conversation a month before her chemotherapy. She was diagnosed few months back with a lump on her uterus. Doctors said it was nothing serious. She was scheduled for operation but was postponed several times due to complications. It was only lately that doctors realized that it was already cancer and chemotherapy has to be administered. Yet she was still as optimistic as she usually is. She still even attended my birthday celebration two weeks before her first session, and still a young, happy, warm soul. 

After her first chemotherapy session, her body wasn’t able to take it. She went into coma. According to the doctors, the cancer cells have already spread throughout the liver and the lungs and that her body will not be able to last for long. She was already on life support but the doctors told her mom and sister, who are attending her, that if they are ‘believers’, miracles can still happen. 

Hearing about the news, my friends and I went to visit her at the ICU. She was lying and was on a respirator. You can hear the beeping sound from ECG machine. I held her hand spoke to her. When we were about to leave the room, I told her that if she wants to talk, she knows how to get in touch with me. 

And on the same night, she visited me in my dream. I was standing right next to her hospital bed. Her body still lying down. But there was another sight of her approaching the bed from the door. Perhaps, it was her soul. She was dressed in red gown with her long hair straightened. She was brushing it with her fingers while telling me that she has been wanting it to be straight. Standing with me was her sister. She was telling her sister not to worry since she is loved by many. She added, she has to leave now and rest and assured that she will be back but not soon. She then left a day and a number, ‘Saturday, 343’. She never mentioned what the day and the number is for, yet I was thinking that it might be a date of her passing. 

Two days after, I had a dream of her again. She jokingly said to me that I had given her a deadline. I told her that it was her who gave me a day and a number. Last time she was decided to go but she seems confused now whether she is ready to leave.

A day has passed and had another dream. This time, she looks tired and weak. We were sitting side by side and her head leaning on my left shoulder while my arm trying to wrap her with a blanket. No conversations were made. It felt like she was resting and waiting for something. 

Right after the third dream I felt the need to talk to her mom and sister who were watching over her in the hospital. I told them about my dreams and even provided a disclaimer to note that these are just dreams and we don’t know if they are for real. Yet, deep inside I was obliged to inform them.

‘What is your take on this?’, I asked. I have told them that last time she has already fully decided to let go but now she is worried and confused, and still wants to hold on. Her sister seems to have accepted the fact already that she might leave soon but remains hopeful. However, her mom is not. Even when I left the hospital her mom said to me, ‘Please tell her not to leave now.’

I figured that was what is keeping my friend to hold on. She was worried about leaving her family behind. She was worried about her mom. I truly understand why it is difficult for her mom to let go of her. In a normal cycle of life, it is the parents who will transcend first before any of their children. Hence it is painful to see their child pass away before them. How much more if it is too sudden. 

The next day after I have spoken to them, my friend was declared critical. Visitors were no longer allowed. Perhaps, she was just waiting for me to deliver the message. She then transcended a week after. It was not a Saturday, nor at 343. 

“The greatest gift that you can give to a dying person is to let them go. “


PS. Friend, you have been touching lives more than you have ever known. Definitely, you will be missed. Until we meet again, friend. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Heart of Peace

It is not the heart that breaks for it is only full of love.
It is the ego that crumbles. And when it picks 'itself' up, it seeks revenge.
That is not love for the heart only knows peace. 

-The Lost Monk

The Spark of Love

It takes a spark to fall in love yet it takes a choice to keep that fire burning. 

-The Lost Monk

Life After Life.

Have you ever wondered why you never die in your dreams?
That is the TRUTH. There is no death.
Only life, after life, after life.

-The Lost Monk

Live. Love. Laugh. Let Go.

live but never be attached to life.
love but never be afraid to love more.
laugh but always acknowledge the reality of pain.
let go and your suffering will cease to exist.

-The Lost Monk

Lima of Chandra

and thy name has beeng given, Lima of Chandra

-The Lost Monk