It flatters me when i seek guidance from some of my friends, and their usual reply would be "you don't need it ". Hahaha. I wish I am superman. Truthfully, I compare myself with the sun. Being able to at least shed light to others but deep inside I'm burning like hell. More often, I do need some counsel and guidance from others. And just recently, I learned about the 3 love enders. A friend never expounded on them though. It was just a passing topic but i definitely would agree with her.
Haven't you noticed that when lovers quarrel or even break up, one of the three is always present? And there are even worst cases when all three enders are the causes.
Ender: Neediness
If you need / want more than what your partner can provide, you end up dissatisfied. And if you are not contented, you tend to look for other options that will fill the void. Usually they are in a form of object or another person. The problem with this is that, once you've found this object/person that satisfies your longing, you are stuck with it/him/her. It becomes addictive. It becomes your priority rather than your partner.
Cure: Contentment
Ender: Expectations
You want to give all but you expect your partner to do the same. You demand your partner to reciprocate. You want to receive the same treatment that you have provided. But if your partner fails to show it, you get furious.
Cure: Unconditional Love
Ender: Jealousy
When you know that your partner is with somebody or even with a group of friends, your mind plays games with you. It tortures you and you cant bear the pain.
Cure: Trust
Be wary of these love enders. They will surely ruin your relationship.